Wartide Story
The Colapsing Multiverse
The worlds stack together infinitely. Between each one, a thin barrier holding the worlds together, yet keeping them separate. But then, the barriers tear.
Between the Empira, Kegawa, and Null, each played their part in the great rift that tore through the multiverse.
First, The Great One of the Null, in His desire to eradicate all of the heretics that defied Him, destroyed more and more of His plain of reality. As He did, he weakened the edges of his realm.
Kegawa's warp technology had been punching tiny holes in the strange barrier that separated one universe from the next. They would tear a hole it the barrier of the world, skate along the barrier, then rip another one again to come back through, appearing instantaneously at their destination. Sometimes, things would get lost outside though, and never arrive at their warp destination.
This would have sustained though. Right up until Empira's new radio technology sent sound waves outside of their universe to avoid them being intercepted. And the frequency of the receiver just happened to be the same as one of Kegawa's mechs lost in the warp. The moment it saw a homing beacon, it skated across. And when it entered an entirely wrong universe, the weakened barriers behind it tore open to let it through.
Which leads us to today. Read on the below stories to find out what happens next.
The Rifts Open
These stories lay out the first days of the rift opening and the battle beginning. The contents of these stories were influenced by the launch even of Wartide at PAX Aus 2023. Join your local organised play to influence future stories and decide what will happen next.

The Second Day - Empira
Captain Jane attempts to rescue a tank squad cut off from the main Empiran battle line.
More stories to come!
These first stories were decided by the games played at PAX Aus 2023. Come join at future events, or participate in your local organised play to participate in the Wartide story, and support your faction!
Other Stories
Other stories giving some background of various groups and characters in the Wartide universe